Who is the Boss!

5th hour class designed to Challenge students to produce 1 product per week!

Start of Class survey:

Task 1: Using Microsoft office


Task 2: All about ME!


Task 2  All about me directions:

When done complete the reflection:

Task 3: Writing Direction: Learn to play a video game and then write directions to help others.

Task 4: Digital Literacy and Responsibility

Task 5: Typing and Design 

Task 6: Create a video game using Sploder

When done with your came please complete this reflection!

After playing some of your friends games complete this review:

Task 7: Coding 

Task 8: Breakout EDU

Task 9: Careers 

Job Application 

Task 10: Animation Project 

Task 11: Passion Project

Extra task:  Drug awareness

When done check out all the cool tools here


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